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Assistant or a Strategist?

Are you paying an assistant right now but still feel like you're drowning in work?

Hiring an assistant without hiring a strategist in your key growth areas (marketing, business systems, operations) will have you feeling like you're doing double the work and it'll make you feel like you're crazy!!!

As a Chief Marketing Officer, my clients get access to strategy + 10 hours of done-for-you tasks per week so you have both a game plan as well as the actual marketing support (content creation, email marketing, social selling) to help them exceed their goals. You can tell who our clients are because they are the ones who are up-levelling their messaging online right now and have the courage to lead!

We are fully booked right now, but our waitlist is in the comments! I'll be sending our wait list individuals more information on what it looks like to hire a Chief Marketing Officer.

What questions would you like me to answer around what it looks like to have a Director of Marketing on your team?

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